Newspaper Dialog

Last year I was invited to write about why I don’t go to church anymore for a local weekly newspaper, the Wednesday Journal.

People responded to the article in person, by phone, by mail and by writing to the newspaper. I wrote a number of blog entries about the responses on Conversation at the Edge (no longer online).

The direct links to all the related newspaper articles/responses, where still online, are below. One neat thing that developed was an ongoing newspaper dialog between me and one of the respondents, Rev F. Dean Lueking.





Response to

7/5/06 1 Helen Mildenhall Changing Faith: Why I don’t go to church anymore  
7/12/06 2 Audrey deCoursey Progressive Christians are real Christians too  
7/19/06 3 Cynthia Collazo Mildenhall’s article on struggling with faith is appreciated  
7/19/06 4 Bud Hayes A confession of faith  
7/19/06 5 Rev. F. Dean Lueking Going to church anyway … and why  
8/2/06 6 Helen Mildenhall Thank you, Rev. Lueking for your kind, humble response Rev Lueking (5)
8/23/06 7 Rev. F. Dean Lueking Mildenhall asks big questions, in the right spirit Helen (6)
8/23/06 8 Franklin ‘Bud’ Hayes A faith more transparent to itself: Why I still do go to church  
9/13/06 9 Helen Mildenhall Is dialog possible between people of faith and people of doubt? Rev Lueking (7)
9/13/06 10 Richard Beeman Doing church: How and where do we find God?  
9/13/06 11 Susan Cross Mildenhall shows lack of courage in leaving church  
9/20/06 12 Ken Trainor (editor) Why
I do, and don’t, go to church
9/27/06 13 Rev F. Dean Lueking Who’s who in the faith/doubt dialog Helen (9)
10/04/06 14 Dan Haley (editor) Can God be found in letters to the editor?  
10/11/06 15 Helen Mildenhall Dialog works if you don’t need a membership card Rev Lueking (13)
10/11/06 16 Joseph A. Wemhoff Church wins in Catholic Church vs. Ken Trainor Ken Trainor (12)
10/11/06 17 John McMahon The world and the Church aren’t perfect, so grow up Ken Trainor (12)
10/11/06 18 John M. McCarthy Church change starts at our own kitchen tables Ken Trainor (12)
10/11/06 19 Karen Scafidi WJ isn’t shy about any issue, even religion
10/11/06 20 Barret Buchholz Relieved of ‘god,’ we can live fuller lives Rev Lueking (13)
10/11/06 21 George Thompson Renewed faith: Why I returned to church
10/25/06 22 Rev F. Dean Lueking What we believe is affected by where we stand Helen (15)
10/25/06 23 Mary Cronin Your Aug. 2 issue was a real prize
11/08/06 24 Helen Mildenhall I won’t worship a God I might be making up Rev Lueking (22)
11/08/06 25 Rev S. Anita Stauffer A little background for the continuing dialog Helen (15)
11/08/06 24 Helen Mildenhall I won’t worship a God I might be making up Rev Lueking (22)
11/08/06 25 Rev S. Anita Stauffer A little background for the continuing dialog Helen (15)
12/19/06 26 Rev. F Dean Lueking The search to know God, the gift of being known by God Helen (24)
3/13/07 27 Helen Mildenhall I won’t try to explain God away anymore Rev Lueking (26)
3/27/07 28 Rev Lueking What shall we do with this cross? Helen (27)
5/22/07 29 Helen The heart of the matter Rev Lueking (28)
5/29/07 30 Rev Lueking Religion: a straitjacket or bright wings? Helen (29)
6/5/07 31 George Thompson Reflection on doubt and spirituality
6/5/07 32 Mary Hunsberger Thoughts on the Lueking/Mildenhall dialogue
6/26/07 33 Helen Heading toward love, away from fear George Thompson (31) and Mary Hunsberger (32)
7/10//07 34 Rev Lueking Before Truth and Life, there is the Way Helen (33)
8/14/07 35 Helen Jesus wouldn’t mind us asking these questions Rev Lueking (34)
8/14/07 36 Rebecca Dahlstrom Many of us are searching for answers
9/19/07 37 Rev Lueking Just so we know what we’re getting into Helen (35)
10/31/07 38 Helen The Way is important, not who owns it Rev Lueking (37)
11/07/07 39 Jim Henderson The way, the truth, and the following Helen (38)
12/04/07 40 Rev Lueking All voices are welcome, from all sides Helen (38)
1/15/08 41 Helen One way to find The Way is Off The Map Rev Lueking (40)
1/30/08 42 Jim Henderson It’s all about honoring others Helen (41)
2/13/08 43 Rev Lueking The Way across the achievement gap Helen (41)
4/2/08 44 Helen No eligibility tests for The Way Rev Lueking (43)
5/27/08 45 Rev Lueking ‘The Way’ reaches behind bars Helen (44)
6/25/08 46 Helen The Way: Making a difference in someone’s life Rev Lueking (45)
10/8/08 47 Rev Lueking The Way and being gay Helen (46)
1/7/09 48 Helen Would Jesus oppose gay marriage? Rev Lueking (47)

If you want to read more about my move away from conservative Christianity, here are a couple of other articles I’ve written about it:

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  1. Pingback: Love is the most excellent way · Newspaper dialog

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