When God is not Jealous

I realize the Bible says of God, in some circumstances, “I am a jealous God”.

Nevertheless, this is what I believe –

  • God is pleased and not jealous when we love the people he put in our lives for us to love and for them to love us.
  • God is delighted and not jealous when we use and enjoy everything in the universe that he has given us to use and enjoy.
  • God is with us and not jealous when we listen to and take the advice of the medical professionals he put in our lives.
  • God is watching and not jealous when we are excited about the latest scientific discoveries.
  • God is listening and not jealous when we are in need and talk to whoever we feel will listen with a kindly ear –
    • a human present with us;
    • a human we loved who is no longer with us;
    • a human recognized as a saint by our church;
    • Mary the mother of Jesus;
    • “the Universe”, whatever that may mean to us;
    • ourselves – although some of us are not always good at being kind and compassionate to ourselves.

I also believe –

God is disappointed when we take what he has given us for granted or even turn away from those things, or reject them, believing he will be jealous otherwise.

Because, who gives us a gift then says “Do not open it, throw it away!”

No one does that. Not even God – in my opinion.