I wish Bill Hybels would apologize

The wikipedia article on him explains what he could apologize for.

I don’t know whether every allegation against him is true, but even if they aren’t, at this point I would appreciate an apology for going into hiding for over three years rather than dealing honestly with the situation he is in. And anyway, I’m sure there are many aspects of the allegations which are true enough that those bringing them deserve apologies.

I truly don’t understand it. If he’s still a Christian he’s being a terrible example of one, hiding as if he has sinned too much for God to sort out the mess he created. If the point is, God has enough grace for anyone, then God clearly has enough for him too. Acting as if everyone else can be forgiven but not him implies terrible things about the God he preached about for so many years.

If he feels misjudged surely he doesn’t think he’s more misjudged than Jesus who died on the cross (while being misjudged) for him.

If he doesn’t believe in God anymore he could still be a more decent human being by apologizing than he is by hiding and not apologizing.

Also where are all his friends? Why aren’t they helping him see that either God’s grace is sufficient for him too, or simply that apologizing is the right thing to do? Have they also overlooked that God’s grace is sufficient for someone in Bill Hybel’s situation? Are they being angry with him instead of praying for him.

Whichever way I cut it, I can’t help but think that Bill Hybel hiding rather than facing up to what’s happened is really really bad for the Christian church in America. And I don’t understand why no-one seems to be doing anything about it.