
What is kindness?

Kindness is listening
when you don’t have to
and caring
Just because.

Kindness is not
“Trust me“
But rather
“I trust you”.

Kindness is showing respect
Even when
you don’t feel respected,

Kindness always hopes
Never stops
Giving second chances.

Kindness asks questions
Is unusually interested
Even in
the ‘uninteresting details’
of someone’s life.

Kindness only takes control
When it has to
It hates to
It gives up control
As soon as possible.

Kindness gives
Rather than taking;
it creates room
and breathes life

it does not smother.

When the meaning of love
In Loving-Kindness
is all but ruined
Kindness yet remains.

Kindness is hard to find.

Don’t let it
Slip through your fingers.

You might not
Find it again.

Helen Mildenhall
January 2022

I sent my poem to my Dad and he turned it into a rhyming poem!

What is kindness?

Kindness is listening though there’s no need
Avid attention can be a very good deed
Caring too
Without any todo

I’m not kind if you trust me
It is if I trust you don’t you see?

Kindness is showing respect to you
Whether or not you follow through

The hope of kindness is very great
A second chance is never too late
Kindness asks questions and gives attention in full
Even when the answers are boring and dull

Kindness hates to take control
This is not its normal roll
If control has to be taken
It will soon be forsaken

Kindness really gives rather than taking each day
It creates room and breathes life rather than smothering away
In Loving-Kindness if there remains little love
Kindnesses remains in Heaven above

Kindness is indeed a treasure
Of value over any measure
Value it with all your might
Hold it in your fingers tight
Lose it and you might search in vain
Because it might not be found again

Bill Lee
January 2022