Walking in the Spirit

I found myself watching this yesterday. It’s very new for me that I can listen to Christian messages (since I prayed for Hannah in November). I’ve always liked Charles Stanley – he has that pure and gentle spirit that gets pushed out, I think, in many Christian men by – having to be ‘macho’?

Anyway this message felt so on point. When I hear other Christian leaders talk about ‘obedience'(obedience figured in my first manic episode) I feel like they are wrongly taking advantage but I don’t feel like that about Charles Stanley. (I may just have rose-coloured glasses on, though).

The God I believe in now is much bigger than before and at the same time uses the tiny details of my life to guide me much more involved in the details of my life. It seems He would rather have me mentally ill than missing what he wants to say which – quite frankly I don’t know what to do with that. But each time I am at the point of losing hope he gives me a little bit of hope back again. Oh this God is better because they are much smarter than I realized (how could I have missed that God is literally a megagenius?) and also. most likely has a wicked sense of humour.