Bathrooms, restrooms, toilets, loos, WCs

Call them what you will, they are something we all need. (We don’t need to go there but even Jesus since he was just like us)

Me more than most since I got Crohn’s Disease, diagnosed in 2007. (I’ve mentioned it on here but not lately). Anyway mine is much better controlled than it once was. But I still can need bathrooms at very short notice. Or I will literally have an ‘accident’ which I don’t want to go into in any more detail. It’s a humiliating disease and for a while I didn’t go to any concerts even though I loved them because I was afraid I couldn’t sit through a period of time without needing to run to a bathroom. I’m very happy that I’ve been well enough recently that that’s ok. There was a flight once where I sat right next to a bathroom and after me going in there very 15 minutes for a while they locked it to reserve it for me and showed me how to open it myself. That was a rare moment of kindness.

Anyway that wasn’t my main topic in this post, that was a digression.

Anyway in recent years I have become aware of the issues surrounding these for some people. And while it’s not my responsibility to feel their feelings for them, I am dismayed and angry on their behalf. I wish I had always cared about things before they touched my own life, but, such is life.

There are women who look male on the outside so they change the outside to match the inside. It’s a rational choice – who wouldn’t do that? But then they get told “Ah but you can’t use the female bathroom because we consider you to be a male pretending to be female. We don’t let males in here because they might be, I don’t know, rapists?

How is that fair, banning some women from the women’s bathroom based on your personal beliefs about them? How is it even your business? Anyway do you think all men are rapists and that’s why they aren’t allowed in women’s bathrooms? That is a pretty low view of men!

Men who are outwardly women and change are allowed to use the men’s bathroom, presumably. So that’s not fair. But also if they used to use the womens they might find the mens rather gross, so I hear so maybe that’s not so great for them either.

What about people identify as neither male nor female/ Then there literally is not a bathroom for you, lots of places! What are you supposed to do? It’s not fair to differently-abled people to use their bathroom. it’s not right anyway because these people are no less able than those who have bathrooms with labels on that work for them.

And as usual some Christians bull in a China shop their way into this one, interfering with the lives of other innocent people, sometimes because they have some weird political ax to grind.