Welcome to my world

I’m on medication – which I don’t mind. I’m signed up with another very disappointing psychiatrist – which I do mind very much. I’m trying to find someone, well, it’s a low bar at the moment what I’m trying to find. Someone who doesn’t say “Why do you want to know?” when I ask what the half-life is of what he’s prescribing to me, to take, into my own body.

They asked me to fill in this 26 page form before I went. I was convinced it was a joke . Alas no.

So here I am, brokenhearted at the failure of the profession, in 2021, to have any idea, seemingly, about how to not make the life of a manic person even worse.

Edited on 12/21/2021 to add: I got through about 8 pages of that form (which I see now is several overlapping forms to assess symptoms hence the repetition) – here’s what I wrote; bear in mind I very quickly became convinced it was a joke.