Psalm 23/Mental Health Update

Perhaps it was inevitable. Anyway I will be honest and write about it. If ever there was a time it’s now, with unwanted babies galore.

I find myself in teh same situaiton as in 1996 and 2000. I’ve written ore later about 200o. It was a good son whch seems emowering and to also cover the gingjbred man (cut),

It was such an odd day yesterday. I really felt like I was coming in for a landing when Steve & I were uberrijg to the psychiatrists’ office for my 3pm appointment.

And the beginning of the pointment was quite good with him offering me a pillow to hug in ase it helped. So I heod onto it and a bit later he did something which was h. Then they had us go out while they’re deciding things. At the end I felt like I should look at a cute tiy plant on his desi. I aws trying not to not likely the psychiatrist but – well I felt pushed away or smoehitng, I couldn’t easily lok him in the face. Well but I agreed ot go on olanzapine. WIth no informationb ascially so that was annoying but – someitmes you just don’t kno wwhat you dont ‘know hwat to ask.

So that was ok but then after dinner I felt like literally swearing really loud at my hsbuand then I di abit. I am so clueless to help and we get my mom on speaker phone and she does goods stuff by saying she understands its hrd. My husband is really lost at this point. Which is why I am so surpised he wins the da, before she hangs up, y by suddenly saying “I’ll take a pill as well, I don’t mind – let’s go take one together! So we did and he wasso happy last night as he got ready for be it was mazing.

I dind’t kow what to do, he suggested we call my Mom so we called her on speakershope. So then he flig net summer RIght now, les e possible and buy me a computer fo.

If anything is possible for those who believe I could probably get prayed for by that prayer meeting I went to recently. But no, I can’twant that while there’s an issue of me distracting them. I already upset Royston at one of their meetings. I mean the dad.

So I feel very disoriented and mostly not a gret day yesterday but happy to have a happy ending to the day aas it were.