Ben at Stanford

Ben's roomYesterday was Ben’s first day at Stanford.

I flew out with him to help him carry his luggage and pick up some essentials (like bedding) near campus. We left home for the airport at 4am, did the shopping and got to Ben’s dorm at around 12pm. I had to leave a couple of hours later because I wanted to get home by midnight. But I was very pleased I got to see some of the campus and Ben’s room and meet his roommate Austin and his mother for a couple of minutes. They’re very friendly. I’m sure Ben will have an awesome time at Stanford.

There’s a slideshow of a few photos from the day below, or you can see them on flickr.

1 thought on “Ben at Stanford”

  1. What a memory you made. Thanks four sharing it with others like me. Letting go is hard but watching this new unfolding part of his story, and your own, is true joy! Stanford is a great place. I hope his first term has been all he hoped for in going. You have him home in a few days to do all the catching up stuff.

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