Another reduction in medication

I saw my Crohn’s doctor yesterday and she said I could reduce my methotrexate dose from 25mg a week to 15mg a week!

At my January visit she’d said that might be possible at this one if I was doing well. I had blood tests a couple of weeks ago and my CRP was “under 5” which is the lowest it has been in any recent tests! (The normal range is 0-8). Also my symptoms have not got worse since January; I think they are a little better. So I was hopeful that my doctor would let me reduce my medication more as planned and she did.

I’m having blood tests again in 6 and 12 weeks and seeing her again in 3 months.

I saw the holistic doctor last week (actually the nurse who works with her) and she was very pleased about my CRP.

I’m continuing on the same supplements (except I switched to Healthy Trinity capsules instead of the same brand of probiotics in powder form). I’m still mostly gluten and dairy-free but sometimes I have cheese. I’m also eating some tomatoes, citrus, red meat, peanut butter, walnuts, and some food with a little sugar in (gluten-free granola) – these are foods I was avoiding a few months ago. I don’t think there’s anything I react to in minute quantities, so it doesn’t seem like I need to worry about a little of something on my ‘avoid’ list now and then. The main problem is that ‘a little’ is less defined than ‘none’ and can tend to creep up and up.

I’m having massage every two weeks or so, which may help and is enjoyable even if it doesn’t :).

5 thoughts on “Another reduction in medication”

  1. I am grateful that your are feeling much better and hope this is still true months after you made these changes. I continue to work with one med that helps me with CFS and recently went back on it. Some improvement but I remain in the struggle daily.

  2. Hey you stopped writing about Crohn’s. How are you doing now? Was reading up on your journey, particularly diet, what helped.. And realised you haven’t written much

  3. Hi Bk, I’m fine, thanks for asking! I still have some symptoms but have been fairly stable for a number of years now and I’m a lot better than in the first couple of years after I was diagnosed. I’m on long-term medication and I try to eat a healthy varied diet including as much fiber as I can handle, which generally means overnight oatmeal for breakfast and a moderate amount of cooked vegetables with dinner. I do better when I limit fat and sugar but I am not always consistent about doing that!

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