No injection today!


Today for the first time in over 2 years after I got my ???????????????? I didn’t inject any medication. I saw my doctor a week ago and she said I was doing well enough that I could cut back my Humira injections from every Monday to every other week!

I was sooo glad to get back to ‘real food’ again after the 3 weeks shakes diet. I went back to my restricted diet (gluten, dairy and sugar free; no coffee, caffeinated tea or carbonated drinks; also limiting red meat, corn, soy, tomatoes, eggs) but it seemed like luxury compared to only having shakes and clear soup.

It didn’t seem like the shakes diet dramatically improved my health, but it certainly didn’t make it worse. In general I think the diet and supplements I’ve been taking since late September have been helping. I’ve been having regular blood tests to check the supplements aren’t causing any problems. I’m pleased that my CRP (an inflammation marker) has come down since late September and has even been ‘in the normal range’ a couple of times recently.

I’ll be seeing my doctor in a couple of months to see how I’m doing on less medication (and the diet and supplements).

1 thought on “No injection today!”

  1. Dear Helen,
    I discovered your site today and I’m happy to hear that you are doing well with your Crohn’s. I also manage Crohn’s and continue to look for better ways to stay in remission. I’m recovering from a fairly moderate flare now and have plenty of time to look through the web.
    Thanks for your honesty about your experiences with the elemental diet and Acupuncture!

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