Legalism and Grace

This is a copy of my latest post on the Communitas Collective blog.

Recently I was at the grocery store checking out. I realized I needed to go to the restroom and asked the checkout person if I could leave my cart there and go when she was all finished.

A lot of the checkout people there recognize me but I didn’t know this one, who looked rather young and new. She said “No, you can’t leave it here – you have to take it all the way down to Customer Service”. But then the person bagging my groceries, who did know me, said “Leave it right here – I’ll watch it until you get back”.

Because of Crohn’s I live with the anxiety that I might not make it to the restroom in time and so I try to get there as quickly as possible. I really appreciated the small kindness (from someone who didn’t know I had Crohn’s) that saved me the time of having to leave my cart in another place.

It’s amazing how much those small things can mean.