End of 2009 Crohn’s update

I still have symptoms but they aren’t as bad as they have been at some points since I was diagnosed with Crohn’s.

In September my doctor wanted to change my medication since I was still having lots of symptoms. Out of the choices she gave me I decided to add methotrexate and go on prednisone short-term. Prednisone is usually very effective but it’s unwise to be on steroids more than short-term because of the side-effects, so is better to use other supplements from an additional resource that could help with health even more.

I was on 40mg prednisone for four weeks, then it was tapered down gradually (which is necessary to avoid problems). I finish it in a week. It did help with the Crohn’s somewhat although it had some side-effects I didn’t like.

The methotrexate is a weekly injection (25mg). I was planning to have someone else do it for me but when I found out I’d have to go all the way downtown for that I asked the nurse to teach me how. I was nervous about the first one but it turned out to be virtually painless which was a huge help! It usually takes about 3 months for the methotrexate to have any effect. At around three months (about 3 weeks ago) my symptoms did seem to improve a bit, so I’m hoping the methotrexate is helping.

I’m continuing on a weekly Humira injection (a prefilled spring-loaded pen which is easy to use but not virtually painless). I’m also continuing on low dose naltrexone (4.5mg) at night. I take half an imodium twice a day except sometimes I experiment with not taking it when my symptoms are somewhat better. I just stopped it again this week to see how I am without it. I also take a multivitamin each day and half an iron pill since otherwise I get gradually more and more anemic.

At my doctor’s recommendation I had both flu shots. I’m pleased that although I’m immunocompromised by the medications I haven’t caught any colds yet this season – since if/when I do they will probably be worse and linger on because I’m immunocompromised.

I’m not doing anything particular about my diet except avoiding most red meat and avoiding eating a lot of fibre at once.