Piano shades and websites

These are things I’ve been working on lately (click for bigger images)

Shades for the piano - East windows Shades for the piano - East and South Windows


The piano needs shades around it to keep the direct sunlight off. We’ve had a sheet and towel hanging up for several months but these look much better! I was pleased to find music-themed material to make them with some weeks ago and over the last couple of weeks I got out the sewing machine and made them.

At the end of August I was invited to write for the Communitas Collective website twice a month. More recently I was asked if I could help convert it into WordPress and I said I would. The new wordpress site was launched on Monday. The images show what the site used to look like and how it looks like now (I wasn’t asked to duplicate the original site look, but rather to aim at meeting a list of criteria)

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