IMEA results and other music news

Ben and West both recently auditioned for the Illinois Music Educators Association district orchestras, West for Junior High and Ben for High School.

They both did well. West will be sitting third chair of the first violins and Ben is principal second violin (he was ranked third – they put a strong player at the front of the second violins). Because of how he was ranked Ben also qualified to participate in the All State Honors Orchestra in January.

West’s IMEA concert is on November 1st and Ben’s is on November 22.

Ben and West are also both entering the Oak Park River Forest Symphony Concerto Competition this year, West on violin playing the last movement of the Beethoven Violin Concerto and Ben on piano playing Liszt’s first Piano Concerto. That will take place November 15.

In their fall school orchestra auditions they both came second, which means West is principal second violin and Ben is assistant concertmaster (second chair of the first violins).