June 2008 concerts

The Windy City String Ensemble’s year end concert was on Friday and the piano recital was yesterday. They both went very well. Steve recorded the piano recital but his recordings aren’t up yet.

Here are a few camera videos. Sorry the piano recital ones are so dark – I should have set the camera ASA on ‘high’ not ‘auto’. Also I had to move the camera near the beginning of West’s so I could get a clear view.

Ben played a Rachmaninoff prelude and West played Circus by Turino in the piano recital. The Windy City recordings are of Vocalise and the last movement of the Holberg suite by Grieg.

The soloist in Vocalise is Rosaland Lee. Ben is concertmaster and the soloist in the Holberg suite. West is principal second; she’s immediately to Rosaland’s left.

Ben – Rachmaninoff West – ‘Circus’
Rachmaninoff Turino
WCSE – Vocalise WCSE – Grieg
Vocalise Vocalise