So much for Remicade

I had the first Remicade infusion 19 days ago and the second 7 days ago.

I didn’t have any sort of bad allergic reaction, which is good, but I also don’t think it’s helping at all. Which is very disappointing.

I have another infusion scheduled for June 13 but I don’t think there’s any point in having it. I’m seeing my doctor May 30 so she can find out how I’m doing. I’m sure we’ll discuss it then. There’s another similar medication I could try instead (Humira) which works for some people that Remicade doesn’t work for. It’s administered by self-injection (every other week), which I’m not thrilled about. But I suppose it’s worth it if it helps.

2 thoughts on “So much for Remicade”

  1. I’m sorry the Remicade isn’t working…but injections aren’t so bad…I’ve had to inject insulin. You get used to it.

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