School Concerts May 2008

Ben and West’s end of year school orchestra concerts were both this week.

West is concertmaster of the 7th and 8th grade string orchestra at her school. Ben is concertmaster of the “freshman plus anyone who didn’t make the Symphony Orchestra” string orchestra at his (a huge group this year – they have about 80 members). Next year Ben will be in Symphony Orchestra but freshmen are not permitted to join it.

Here are two videos from West’s and one from Ben’s concert. They both had solos which mostly went very well. For various reasons mostly to do with user camera error and acoustics the videos I’m posting don’t include any solos.

West’s school orchestra
The Barber Of Seville Overture by Rossini
West’s school orchestra
Excerpt of James Bond Theme Music
Rossini James Bond
Ben’s school orchestra
Holberg Suite by Grieg, First Movement