The first infusion went ok

I was a little nervous this morning but the infusion went fine once they had succeeded in setting up the IV. On my way to the doctor’s office I remembered I tend to have trouble with those and sure enough, that happened again today.

After the two nurses in the doctor’s office had three unsuccessful attempts at putting in an IV I asked if the nurse who does IVs for colonoscopies could do it. They said yes if I could go over the endoscopy department. I did and they were able to put one in. Next time I will go there first to have the IV put in place, then go over to the doctor’s office.

It took a while this time (3 hours) because they did the infusion slowly today in case I had any sort of allergic reaction. I didn’t; it went fine. They said next time they’ll run it quicker, since it went ok today.

So I was pleased. Now I’m wondering if it will help. When it works it seems to take effect quickly – I’ve read about people already seeing improvements the next day.