Seventh grade invention fair

Last night we went to West’s school for an hour to see the seventh grade invention fair. West along with the rest of her grade were at tables explaining to each parent who came by what their invention is, how it works and how much they would sell it for.

West invented a board you sit on which helps you do stretching exercises. It has cords you can run your hands along as you stretch forward and two small knobs you can hold onto if you are stretched all the way forwards.

It was interesting to see what different people invented. One girl invented stairs that can be flattened into a ramp for people in wheelchairs or if you need to wheel heavy objects between floors.

One boy invented a cover that is attached to a roller under your bed. You roll it out and cover your bed up so it looks tidy in the morning without you having to make the bed. He explained very well that this was to keep his parents and him happy because it makes his bed look ok and he doesn’t have to make it. Another boy had a wooden hand at the top of a stand which he could put on his desk to raise his hand so his hand didn’t get tired. There was also a pedal that turned music pages automatically, a hammer helper so you didn’t hit your fingers, a stroller arm so you could walk closer to your child…and many others; there were close to 100 of them.

I wish I’d had time to see all the inventions in the hour that the fair was open. I’m glad West’s grade did this – it was fun not only to see the inventions but that the students were there in person to talk about them.