
I was woken up this morning at around 4:30 a.m. by something weird. I thought maybe it was strong wind shaking the house although actually the wind couldn’t have done that. It was about two very quick tremors of quick shaking for a second or so.

Steve said it was an earthquake and looked on the USGS on my iphone to see where it was. He thought Memphis was probably flattened since we felt it here and the epicenter wouldn’t have been here. But actually it was in Indiana.

I didn’t know why he knew about the USGS site or the Memphis fault line. He explained it’s because of work. I should have realized he’d study such things for work since he deals with insurance against catastrophes – like earthquakes.

It was neat since there was one other earthquake here since we lived here but for some reason I was away. Now I’ve experienced an earthquake myself! Even if it was mild here. It was a 5.2 earthquake, so quite strong. I was reading about it – evidently Midwest earthquakes are felt further afield than West Coast ones, say, because the earth’s crust is older and less fractured here.

Here’s a CNN article about it