March 8 recitals

In the afternoon we attended (most of) the violin teacher’s recital – Ben and West weren’t actually in this one. They’ll probably be in the May recital: West playing the last movement of the Beethoven Violin Concerto and Ben playing the last movement of the Tschaikowsky.

In the evening we went to the piano teacher’s recital. It was the annual ensembles and concertos recital. In it everyone is playing a duet or quartet (there was even one quintet this year) or concerto. Many of the pieces require two pianos. West and I were playing a duet called Raccoon Rag and Ben was playing the Liszt piano concerto no. 1.

I was afraid I’d mess up West’s duet but it went ok. Here’s Steve’s recording of it:

Raccoon Rag

Here’s Steve’s recording of Ben playing the Liszt:

Liszt Concerto

I recorded Ben’s on the camera also. Here’s the first 5 mins or so of his (sorry, the first note is missing due to camera user error) (West is turning pages for the piano teacher)

Ben playing Liszt – first 5 mins