Ben’s graduation

Ben’s 8th grade (middle school) graduation ceremony was last night. It’s amazing to me he’s already had two graduation ceremonies since I didn’t have one until I graduated from university (in England). Anyway this was much more elaborate and formal than the 5th grade ceremony.


About three hundred students were graduating. Nine of them were onstage since they were involved in the ceremony. You can see Ben (just about) third from the left. He was one of the students asked to give short speeches. Here’s the beginning of his speech (see below). It was an interesting evening and Ben is very happy to be on Summer vacation! In less than an hour West will be too.

1 thought on “Ben’s graduation”

  1. Megan has been surprised by this as well–she first ran across it in the idea of graduation from *pre-school*! She has said she rather likes the way americans want to make a big deal out of these things and make you feel special =)

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