West’s Human Relations Award

We went to the Village of Oak Park board meeting this evening for West to receive her Human Relations Award. There were 67 Oak Park Middle School students receiving this award. Apparently these were nominated by teachers – I still don’t know if West’s was for anything specific or for being generally willing to help other students if asked.

It was interesting to see some of the board meeting. They had a TV in the room showing the meeting. Someone was typing the words that were being spoken, as they were spoken, so they showed up on the screen as subtitles. They were impressively fast and accurate.

The meeting had a break after the awards presentation and all the parents went to a reception for the students. I didn’t mind missing the rest of the meeting – it wasn’t that interesting :).

2 thoughts on “West’s Human Relations Award”

  1. Congratulations to West for her award. It must feel a bit awkward, though, to receive an award when you’re not precisely sure why you are receiving it.

    From some of the entries on her website that you’ve pointed out to us, I can see why she would deserve recognition for her abilities in the area of ‘human relations’.

  2. Thanks 🙂

    I know she likes to help other kids understand things so if it was a general award it was probably for helping other kids in the classroom. If it was specific, there was a time she helped out with the special ed class who have serious physical and learning disabilities.

    The animal ID’s project is new so it probably wasn’t anything to do with that.

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