Perfect walking weather

It was an amazingly gorgeous day yesterday – sunny and low 70s. I think it set a record high for March 13. I went for a walk with my neighbor so we could chat – we decided to walk rather than sit inside and talk over coffee, since it was such wonderful weather. I’ve written about what we talked about on Conversations at the Edge

That weather is over for now. Rain is expected later today and by tomorrow we’ll be back in the 40s. Oh well. The warm weather will be back at some point…but who knows how soon…

3 thoughts on “Perfect walking weather”

  1. I know how you feel – after weeks of rain and 40s, last Sunday was beautiful and 70 here. Of course it didn’t last, the last couple days have been relatively cold, but at least we’re on the way up.

  2. Pingback: » Perfect walking weather

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