Getting warmer

It’s finally getting warmer here, after weeks with snow on the ground and temperatures barely above or not even above freezing at the ‘warmest’ part of the day.

It’s supposed to make it into the sixties (Fahrenheit) today. It’s been above freezing for about three days now and everything is reappearing that was under snow. The road looks strangely wide now it extends all the way to the curb instead of stopping at the bank of snow created by the snow plough trucks.

There are still little patches of snow all over the place, tucked away in shady corners of yards, or dirty mounds left by snow clearing. I’m always surprised how long it takes for the last vestiges of it to melt.

It seemed like everyone was out this weekend enjoying the sunny and warmer weather. Like my husband said it wouldn’t be a big deal to have days like this in the summer, in fact they’d be rather cold. But after the weather we’ve had for the last few weeks, they were great days and we saw people walking, biking, running, everywhere.

2 thoughts on “Getting warmer”

  1. You know, I think it’s been warm enough to go swimming for a while here in Dallas. We’ll be firmly launched into the 70’s in a few weeks. By May it’ll be sweltering-with humidity thrown in for fun, with nearly five more months of oppressive heat until it begins to cool at least just a little.

  2. Laura, several years ago I had a work conference in Dallas this time of year. It was wonderful to go somewhere warm for a few days!

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