Ben came 3rd in today’s contest (Latin School)

Ben competed in the Latin School math contest today. He competed in the individual and team events. His team came fourth (which earned them medals and a trophy for his school). Individually he placed third – he got a trophy for that.

Last year he was in this contest but his team didn’t place, nor did anyone on it place individually.

He has another math contest next Saturday: mathcounts. He’s been practising for this since last Summer. He’s hoping he might do well enough individually to go onto the state finals. Last year he got there because his school team came first.

I’ve mentioned before that he’s taking a high school math course this year (he’s actually in 8th grade – middle school – but he goes to the high school for an hour each day to take this 9th grade course). They took semester final exams a couple of weeks ago. Ben got the highest score in the class.