If I were God…
If I were God,
I would die,
Before causing unnecessary pain
to one thing I created.
If I were God,
I would still love you
regardless of how angry at me you were
If I were God
(and you were you :))
I couldn’t look into your eyes
and not forgive you
all things!
If I were God
I would give you every good and perfect gift
and wouldn’t send you to hell
just for not knowing to say thank you
(how could you have known to?)
If I were God,
I couldn’t give you
sun and blue sky every day
(sand is easier ;))
so I would rain in your tears
I would snow to cover your agony
I would send thunder, lightning,
shake the earth
when someone touched a hair
of your head
If I were God
I couldn’t put you first violin
and everyone else 2nd
but I would want to.
I would move heaven and earth
to do it;
leave no stone unmoved
to do it;
make the rocks cry out
and the very animals talk
to do it…
if I were God
I could do nothing else;
If I were God; I could not
could not
could not
help myself,
but love you
until death did part us
(but for a season)
(only for a season)
If I found out somehow
you were looking
for another job
(or even beginning to think about it);
then – if I were God – I ‘d take you out to lunch every day
to the best restaurant in town
and sit quietly with you
until you told me why
you are so unhappy
[with me]
If I were God
and you were you
I would send everyone else to hell
for hurting you…
when I looked into each face
I couldn’t actually bring myself
to do it.
So, if someone needed
to go to hell
I would sigh
and take a deep breath
and hold my breath
and go…
just for you!
If I were God
I would have that thought
for each “you”
I created
(wouldn’t you? :))
If I were God
and you were you
I would lift you high in my arms
and swing you around
and say “i love you!!!”
I would take you to my office
sit you in my big chair
let you draw me a picture
on my computer
show you the pictures of you
all over my office
show you that your drawing
is my screensaver
I would walk you around the office
so everyone can meet
my child
and say with a smile
“these are my children!”
If my big boss
came in
when you were visiting me
I ‘d sit you on my lap
while she talked to me
and then we’d go have icecream together
If you wanted
to go for a bike ride with me
on Sunday afternoon
I ‘d be happy about that
…so we’d go…
every Sunday we could!
If I were God
whatever you wanted
I ‘d do it
if I could
I’m not God…
but if I were…
these things would I do
just for you
because I love you
If I were God
I would never never ever
wake a sleeping child
a moment too soon
or separate
even one…
happy family.