For Little Ones (About God)

Hey, I think I will be like a child and think of God like this

the perfect Mom and Dad
who takes me for a walk
on a sunny day
the sky is blue

He holds my hand
as we walk
we look at the trees and flowers
He says “Isn’t it pretty?”
I made it for you

We can laugh together
we can play together
we can sing together
we can dance together

I have many brothers and sisters
we play, sing, dance together too
in the sun
under the blue sky
among the trees and flowers
on grassy hills
by streams of clear water
cold but clean
we can wade barefoot
the sun keeps us warm

maybe this is a little bit what heaven will be like

it doesn’t matter, exactly
I think God wants us to believe
that it is a place where we will be happier
than we can imagine
so the best way to think of it
is to imagine that anything about earth
that has made us happy will be there
because if God is nice
it will – or something better.