The Healing Touch of Mom

If one of our children becomes seriously ill, we do whatever we can to get our child the best medical treatment available. We are privileged, living in America, to have access to excellent medical care. But I realized last week that the more sick a child is, the more they need a treatment that every parent can provide and that costs no money at all: the loving, healing arms of Mom or Dad.

West, my seven month old daughter, spent one night in hospital last week. She went to the emergency room at lunch time because a croup virus had made her airways swollen and narrow and breathing was a big effort for her.

There are times when I wonder whether I have any Mom instincts but this experience brought mine out in full force! I quickly noticed that West was breathing without too much difficulty when she was relaxed, but as soon as she became upset, breathing was a big effort again. Consequently I wanted her to relax and rest as much as possible, and I realized that the best thing I could do for her was to hold her, comfort her and help her to sleep in spite of the unfamiliar surroundings, the scary tests and the frequent waking at night for routine checks.

When I realized that West was going to stay in hospital overnight, I briefly considered going home for part of the night so I could rest. But I’m so glad that I didn’t leave her alone in the hospital. I was pleased to be able to help her to sleep, and I made that my first priority, at the expense of my own rest. West’s need for my comfort that night was so much greater than my need for sleep. And I’m sure that it was the comfort and love of someone familiar that helped West to recover enough to go home the next day.

When we set our own needs aside to show love to our sick children, we help them to recover as fast as possible and, I hope, they see in us a little glimpse of the One who is love.